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Application for Employment

An Equal Opportunity Employer

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, color, sex, age, veteran status, or disability: It is our intention that all qualified applicants be given equal opportunity and that selection decisions are based on job-related factors.

Your Address
Were you previously employed by this organization?
Do you have reliable transportation?
If hired, can you furnish proof you are eligible to work in the United States?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
A “yes” answer does not automatically disqualify you from employment since the nature of the offense, date, and the job for which you are applying will be considered.
Have you worked for any organization under a different name?

Personal References (not former employers or relatives)


Can you type?
Do you have experience using veterinary software (ie Avimark, Cornerstone, etc)?

Work History (begin with the most recent)


I certify that the answers given by me to the previous questions and statements are true and correct without consequential omissions made by me in this application. I also authorize the companies, schools or persons named above to give any information regarding my employment, character and qualifications. I hereby release said companies, schools or persons from all liability for any damage for issuing this information. I understand that there is no express or implied contract of employment and that if employed, I have been hired at the will of the employer and that my employment may be terminated at will, at any time; and with or without cause the employer’s only obligation being to pay salary or wages due and owing at the time of termination. I understand that the employer may require a drug test at any time at their cost and that should I choose not to provide a sample, I can be terminated immediately. Finally, I understand that all company property must be returned and my indebtedness to the company must be paid before my termination. I authorize the company to deduct from the final paycheck(s) all monies due and owing to the company.

Sign above
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